6 Burial and Cremation Alternatives
After death, we’re typically faced with a choice between burial or cremation. While traditional burial has been used for thousands of years, funeral home services are becoming more popular in the U.S. Both methods are widely accepted in modern society, but what if you don’t want to be buried or cremated when you die? The following options are unique in their own right and offer interesting substitutes to the “usual” funeral home services prescribed by the death care industry . These alternatives may require certain advance planning, which is all the more reason to document your final wishes and consider pre-planning your funeral. Body Donation Donating your body to science is an excellent option for those who want to contribute to the advancement of science and medicine. Medical schools typically use human cadavers to teach students proper anatomy and surgical techniques. Some bodies are respectfully used to study diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in search of a cure....